About the Henry Precht Doctrine and the restriction of the Shah’s family in America
In August 1979, during the Carter Administration, a top-secret document, labeled “Eyes Only” was authored by Henry Precht head of the Iranian Affairs Office detailing the stance of the United States regarding possible potential opposition activities to be undertaken by the Pahlavi dynasty subsequent to the installation of the Islamic Republic.
In this document which carries a threatening tone, it mandates that the family f the Shah of Iran, and his heir, Reza Pahlavi, refrain from any claim to the return of monarchy to Iran and emphasizes that the United States will not tolerate any activities opposing the Islamic regime.
The document relays the following message:
“If the Shah would agree to relinquish his family’s claim to the throne it would be of great value to our explaining our position to the Iranians. While it is unlikely that he would accept this proposition, we could in secret and using our trusted intermediaries relay this message so that he would not criticize the US for the change in our position.
Should the Shah refuse to relinquish his dynasty’s claim to the throne we would need to share our strict opinions with the Iranians and openly declare that the Iranian Constitution discredits such a claim and drill an understanding to the Shah and his allies that any anti-government activities would be considered against US laws and the US would not observe traditional policies regarding visas for those individuals currently holding such status.”
End of Document
Documents obtained from the US Embassy at the time of the hostage taking
Discovery of this Document
This top-secret letter was among published documents seized from the American Embassy in Tehran during the hostage crisis precipitated by the revolutionaries who were strict followers of Ayatollah Khomeini. It is also published in the book containing other seized documents (volumes 1-6) and available in its eighth edition, including original scans of the documents.
The late Abdul-Rahman Amir Feiz, one of the most distinguished law scholars of the Pahlavi era, and the chief editor of Sangar Publication, published an article in 2011 titled “Monarchy under Seige” in which he explores the why and wherefore of the pressures exerted on the Pahlavi dynasty in opposing the un-Iranian regime imposed on Iran. The original content can be found in the weblog of the time “1400 Years”.
Regarding the obstacles facing Reza Shah II and his family
The Iranians opposed to the Islamic regime have been faced with innumerable obstacles placed in their path in their struggles for replacing the unlawful Islamic regime. Tolerating four decades of assassinations, mass murders and the pillage of the nation’s wealth by the Mullahs and their mercenary supporters who have enjoyed the covert and overt backing of Russia, China, the European Union and American Democrats, as evidenced by events such as the G5 conference in Guadeloupe, the Iran -Contra Affair, covert collaboration with Israel during the Iran-Iraq war, through the founding of NIAC, suppression of the serial assassination cases in foreign countries and finally JCPOA. All these bear witness to the unwavering support of western governments, which incidentally claim to be defenders of Human Rights, all having turned a blind eye to the brutal suppression of opposition forces.
All along the pressures exerted on the supporters of Constitutional Monarchy, Iran’s 2500-year-old tradition, both within and outside Iran have been the greatest, especially those on the Crown Prince, Reza Pahlavi, who has endured the harshest character assassinations and accusations. Conversely, western media have tried to revive discredited regime activists as defenders of Human Rights, Animal rights, former so-called political detainees, producers, and reporters to act as spokespersons for the Iranian people.
Another alarming development has been the fake political game produced by so-called reformists versus hard-liners which have crippled all true and meaningful opposition over the last ten years. Additionally, the praise-worthy reverence of Iranians toward their ancient culture and its deep roots in Monarchy and constitutional Structure have been on full display since the mass gatherings at Pasargadae, reinvigorated from 2017. Along with the clear chants of pro-monarchy slogans throughout the recent country-wide mass protests, the West must understand that the time has arrived for all sovereign nations to take sides and acknowledge the demands of the Iranian people for regime change as opposed to continued support of an illegitimate regime which itself is a threat to regional stability and world peace.
Awesome post! Keep up the great work! 🙂
Great content! Super high-quality! Keep it up! 🙂