About us

The Mellig Party is comprised of patriotic Iranians across the globe. The principles and goals of the group are based on the precepts detailed in the book authored in 2017 by Mehdi Mirghaderi (aka Mobarez Nastooh).

Mellig efforts are focused on the development of a uniform, coherent and organized network of active members whose goal is to return Iran back to the global family of lawful nations by removing the reactionary mullahs, their supporters and their proxies from power.

Mellig network members are focused on topics of significance to the movement, including active participation in world-trending Twitter Storms, the production of media clips, original videos, pamphlets and political cartoons. The group also includes composers of epic music pieces and lyrics as well as developers of instructional videos, authors of topical articles and producers of enlightening documentaries focused on Iran.

Mellig also helps coordinate and mount demonstrations outside Iran and assists protest movements inside Iran by hosting regular live informative programs through YouTube and Instagram.

Our Mission

The education and promotion of nationalistic thinking, leading to the creation of a large community of active Iranian nationalists, with the aim of reclaiming Iran from the current ruling criminal cult (the reactionary mullahs and their proxies and the rebuilding of prosperous and proud Iran

Our Principles

Belief in one indivisible homeland, Iran, and the imperative of its unity and territorial integrity
Belief in a single nation comprised of a multitude of ethnicities historically settled in Iran
Belief in a single representative flag, Green, White and Red adorned by the historic Lion & Sun crest
Belief in the separation of Church and State
Observation of Human Rights based on the United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Charter of Human Rights by Cyrus the Great

Our Goal

The National Populist Party (MELLIG) intends to reclaim and rebuild Iran and facilitate the return to Iran’s “Great Civilization” doctrine
We intend to uproot poverty throughout the nation and to rebuild a broad-based middle class
We intend to restore the lost value in the Iranian Passport such that on traveling to any destination an Iranian can proudly declare his nationality and be received and treated with dignity
Our goal is social justice for all citizens of Iran and the elimination of all prejudice and injustice
Our goal is equality for all Iranians regardless of their political opinion, religious affiliation, ethnic and tribal background or city of origin
Our goal is to end prejudice against Iranian women and restoration of full and equal rights to Iranian men