Warsaw Declaration
The sons of Adam are limbs of each other, Having been created of one essence. When calamity of time affects one limb The other limbs cannot remain at rest. If thou hast no sympathy for the trouble of others Thou art unworthy to be called by the name of a human Saadi, 8th century Iranian poet
After 40 years of universal support of world powers for Ayatollah Khomeini as the leader of the occupation forces and of the criminal Islamic regime in Iran, we, the defiant people of Iran, with the goal of regime change, truly appreciate the US administration posture of not engaging with this inhumane and criminal regime which is the world’s leading proponent of terrorism, but instead to provide moral support for the oppressed Iranians who intend to defeat the regime through civil disobedience and non-violent protests. Representing a large segment of the Iranian populace intent on regime change we, the opposition, present our wishes to the world in our official statement below.
In the name of Iran, cradle of peace and justice
1 – Patriotic Iranians request all world powers to finalize and end diplomatic and commercial relations with Islamic Republic of Iran in support of the oppressed people of Iran. Alignment of policies with the Trump Administration can accelerate the process of peaceful regime change.
2- Patriotic Iranians appeal to all world powers, especially the United States, to provide their full and undivided support, without resorting to military options, behind the discontented people of Iran.
3- Patriotic Iranians request intelligent targeted sanctions against all Islamic operatives, their accomplices and relatives, active anytime from 1979 until the present, together with confiscation of their assets to the national benefit of Iranians and the ultimate expulsion of these undesirable persons. This should include the entirety of the IRGC.
4- Patriotic Iranians ask for the severance of diplomatic relations with the Islamic Republic and the adoption of plans for the closure of embassies and consulates, with the requirement that all related staff leave the host countries.
5-Patriotic Iranians request that, given the proven lack of legitimacy of the occupying regime, the United Nations refuse acknowledging or hosting any representatives of the Islamic government. 6- Patriotic Iranians request that International arrest warrants be issued for all representatives of the Islamic regime for Crimes against Humanity, blatant violations of the charter of human rights over 40 years, and the global export of terrorism such that these individuals would be unable to leave Iran.
7-Patrioic Iranians implore the world media to support the oppressed people of Iran by broadcasting their voices of opposition and demands for all to hear. We also demand an end to the publication of rumors and fake news by media in support of the Islamic regime, and cessation of censorship of the voices of opposition.
8- Patriotic Iranians beseech the world powers to engage directly with Reza Pahlavi, the only national figure and single most trusted opposition leader, for the formation of an interim and transitional government and to recognize him as such. It should be clear that any negotiations or agreements with other persons, factions or groups will not be deemed legitimate, and under no circumstances will Iranians accept foreign-appointed individuals, groups, parties or a governing body for the future of Iran.
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